Thursday, January 20, 2011

Press & Media Welcoming

What a busy and hectic day we had but it was so wonderful to get to know each every of the press and media who attended. We received a positive turn out of 15 press and totaling to 25 people. We got raves for our fruit tarts, brownies, and carrot cake. And they're absolutely in love with our apple ice tea and latte. I hope Bittersweet is worthy to be featured in some articles.:)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our Official Menu

Bittersweet Corner has now been open for approximately 1.5 months. 
The response has been amazing and as we attempt to learn more about our customers/friends, we are trying to bring in more favorites to our menu. 

New additions that will be added each week includes: Macaroons, Flavored Iced Teas, Ice Cream and many more to come! Follow us on twitter @bittersweetco for constant updates!