Monday, February 28, 2011

It was a busy February for Bittersweet...

It was indeed a busy month for Bittersweet. We've received wonderful responses for our full service catering. We also had a lot of fun getting to know new friends and feel abundantly blessed with having the opportunity in having our name more exposed to the wider public. 
Please contact us at if you need your event catered. 
Fit Flop Fashion Show
February 25, 2011
Hans & Lilie Wedding Souvenirs
The Ritz Carlton
February 19, 2011
Martha Stewart Living High-Tea
February 18th, 2011

The crowd had a fun time decorating cupcakes from yours truly:)

Potato Head Sunday Market
February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day High-Tea @ EVE Boutique
12 February, 2011
Prevention Magazine February: Health Hero Section

Sunday, February 13, 2011

If music be the food of love, play on...

Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, - Shakespeare's Twelfth Night 1602

We are thankful that today's Potato Head Sunday Food Market event was a success! Accompanied by chilled out Sunday jazz music, kids' cooking class, organic food, my Eggs Benedict (fueling my inner energy!) and warm smiles from patrons, we sold out all of our sweet treats. Just for today, our Arlene Brownies are climbing up the chart in terms of popularity. Thank you to all those that came to our first outdoor marketing event. There will be many more interesting events to come, meanwhile to you loverbirds, Have an Amazing Happy Valentine's Day!

Some photos from the events are uploaded below. For more interactive updates, don't forget to follow us on twitter @bittersweetco

Our little corner in Potato Head..

Macaroon and Brownies Bar set up on French lace table cloth

There were 11 in this bell jars...

After some chomping while basking under the cool breeze and sunny sky..

there were five (actually three ten minutes after this was taken)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In this month of Love....

"Infatuation is the spark that ignites the engine. Love is the one that keeps it going"
- C.S. Lewis -

The love month of February started with Lunar New Year followed by Valentine's day. We are marking our inaugural 'debutante' in Jakarta by participating in Potato Head's Valentine's Day Sunday Food Market. Our available selections include carrot cakes, macaroons, fruit tarts, chocolate brownies and red velvet cupcakes. Stock up on our delectable treats for your family, friends and your significant others.

We hope to see you guys in Potato Head this Sunday, 13th Feb 2011 !
For more information or reservation, please call +62 21 5797 33 22 (

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Valentine's Day Packages

Yet another wonderful celebration is coming up! We have prepared our Valentine's Day Specials with our dear customers in mind. Please email us at or to me personally at for more info. 
Be sweet and show some love...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Indeed, it was a happy chinese new year!

We feel blessed for the constant support that we've been receiving. Especially trusting Bittersweet to provide for your special occasions. We received approximately 40 orders this Chinese New Years and all customized to request.

3 oranges + 2 pears + 3 jars of Russian Teacakes
Rp. 250,000
1 Carrot Cake + 3 Jars of Russian Teacakes + 3 oranges
Rp. 400,000
Whole Cake (Fruit Tart, Carrot Cake, Red Velvet)
Rp. 325,000
8 Oranges + 1 big jar of Russian Teacakes + 10 sachets of TWG Tea + 1 rectangle cake (Brownies/Carrot Cake)
Rp. 400,000-450,000